NES Health & Bioenergetics

When it comes to health, bioenergetics goes beyond chemistry to look more deeply into root causes by exploring energy and the energy fields that control it. This gives us insights into where the body needs support so we can work to correct it rather than just suppressing symptoms. This also lets us explore the realm where consciousness interacts with physical reality, giving us insights into how stress and emotions affect our health. 


Incorporating the the NES Health software and scanning technology into our practice has given us so much insight so quickly, it has been an invaluable asset!

Here’s a short video with an overview of how NES Health’s bioenergetic scanning technology can help activate the body’s own incredible self-healing abilities.


The scan shows us in real time, what is going on with a persons body field:

  • How it is interacting with its environment 
  • How well powered it is 
  • How well communication is taking place for both everyday health and for healing processes 
  • How it is impacted by stress and traumas, and where this may be affecting the body 
  • How well it is recognizing and responding to nutrients and toxins 

While this is not a medical assessment, most people are astonished by its accuracy and insights. Results focus not on disease, but on where improvements can be made, and this is achieved through lifestyle choices as well as bioenergetic technology and remedies. 


Schedule your scan with us below. This can be done in person or over the phone!